Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Perfect Imperfection

After I mowed the lawn the other day I noticed that I'd missed a spot. This little strip of clover had been spared. This one flower defiantly rising above the rest.

It got me thinking.

I am surrounded by imperfection. We all are. Yet we stress and obsess over making things right, getting all the details right. How do we know when we've achieved our goals? How do we know when everything is perfect enough? Is it ever??? We're chasing a moving target. A perfectly elusive target.

My son is reading a science book about quantum physics. He's 14, and it's summer vacation. I'm a very proud Mom. He was reading to me about how in quantum theory a single atom's actions can dictate the unfolding events of our lives. Every day we are bombarded by a billion trillion atoms and their whims. Our lives hum along to the rhythm of these minute and invisible forces. Perfectly. We see it as imperfection. We see the "missed spot". We see the dust, the stack of bills, the kitchen sink, the bad hair day. And we judge it and ourselves as not up to par.

Enough of this.

This week, I am challenging you to see perfections. Here's how.

Retreat Time:

Throughout your day, whenever your eyes fall to something that awakens the critical voice, let it say, "Imperfection." Breathe it in.

Then change it to "I'm perfection." Because you are.

And whether you're speaking for yourself or the dust, or the sink, or the standing clover, it is just as true.

The simple reframing of a phrase can change everything. It can move us from the weight of negativity to joyful surprise. From judgement to open hearted wonder.

Join me?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Breath of Sweet Life ~Day Six~

This has been a week of pausing, and centering.

With each deep breath I am brought into the moment before me.

Peaceful and grounding is this retreat.

I get such a kick out of how private these simple actions can be. Pushing a shopping cart, waiting at a traffic light, walking my dog down a busy city sidewalk.

And I'm grounding, breathing sunshine energy into my soul, letting go of the gunk that no longer serves. How many people do I pass by every day who are also creating their own singular revolution against their pain, their high mountains, their fears?


Makes me wonder.

Hope each glorious breath has given you the good stuff you all deserve.


Monday, July 11, 2011

The Breath of Sweet Life

Run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness, that lovely, mysterious and awesome space.
                                                                                                      ~Edward Abbey
How simple is breathing? We never think about it. Not unless we can't catch our breath. Between air, water, and food, it's the one thing we most immediately need.

I've come to learn that deeply breathing can have all kinds of benefits. It detoxifies, releases tension, relaxes the mind and body. Breathing brings clarity, can relieve emotional problems, improves posture, and helps to elevate moods.

These are just a few of the benefits of taking slow, deep breaths. Amazing isn't it? Something as simple as taking in air can offer such goodness. All we need to do is take the time to love ourselves enough for a few minutes each day and breathe.
Here's how:

Retreat Time:

Before deep breathing, set the intention that you are doing so lovingly and without judgement. Be gentle with your body and the old energies you may find when doing this retreat. We are who we are because of everything that has come before. Everything has merit. Sometimes it's just time to let what is no longer serving us go.

  • Gently call to mind a thought or belief that no longer serves you. If you can, sense where this heaviness rests in your body. Tell it you're about to send it on an adventure.
  • Now inhale through your nose pulling the breath into your belly first, then expanding your chest. Do this to the count of four.
  • Hold and count to three. Imagine the cells of your body filling with golden sunshine energy. Let this light attach to any negative energies, and watch them  hitch a ride on the wave of light you've taken in.
  • Exhale fully from the mouth and feel the beams flowing out to the world carrying whatever you need to release. Send them with love. Do this to a count of five.
Do this if you can for 5 to 10 minutes a day, and let me know how you feel by week's end. It's easy, it's helpful, and it may set you free.

Lovingly with every breath I take,

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Party Punch for One~~Day Four

I often forget that on this beautiful planet of ours there is a southern hemisphere, and millions of beautiful people who live there. At least one of those millions reads this blog (wink wink to Anne).

So my cool refreshing party punch may not be welcome in the middle of her winter season.

Here's something hot and wonderful to take it's place.

Retreat Time:

~Warm up a cup of milk until steaming, but not bubbling over.
~I usually do this in the microwave on high for just under two minutes. Watch it closely as milk boils over easily.
~Add about a teaspoon of vanilla.
~And a spoonful of sugar.
~Then sprinkle the top with Pumpkin Pie Spice.
~This spice contains Allspice, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg, so if you don't have it, any of these others will work.

Sip and enjoy!     Kimberly

Monday, July 4, 2011

Party Punch for One

Depression is an oppressive state of being. 

It tends to sap the life out of everyone it touches, and I am no stranger to this phenomenon. These last few months have made posting here very difficult. I've missed you all.

Retreat With Me is a prescription to combat days that are less than sunny, less than energy filled, less than what I hope for. While posting and participating in these retreats, I have found moments of light in darkness even on my most sluggish days. So I soldier on.

For you, and for me.

I first discovered this next retreat on a day I could barely function. I sat in my favorite apple green chair and decided to pull myself back to life with something special.

This is what I did.

Retreat Time:

Fill a glass with ice.
Fill it halfway with orange juice.
Fill it the rest of the way with fizzy pop (yes I say pop, I'm from the Midwest).
I used Diet Sierra Mist. It's really good, and not too sweet.
Insert a straw, and enjoy.

Why is this so good?

Because the Vitamin C is good for your immune system, the liquid is good for overall hydration, the sweetness is good for the soul, and the straw is just for fun.

As I sipped this simple drink, I felt cared for and loved. I imagined golden sunshine in my tummy to replace the swirls of dark anxiety. Something about taking those few moments to serve myself a simple cold treat made me feel lighter, brighter, and loved.

So good.