Saturday, December 25, 2010

~Blue Snow~ Day Six

What is retreat?

It is a going within to refresh and renew.

This blog is a place for ideas and prompts that give you permission to step away from the every day and into a moment that's just for you.

This week's retreat, in honor of the winter solstice, inspires you and me to sit outside and quietly let the winter's wonder whisper its wisdom. Cold and calm.

Yet, this is the week before Christmas. In fact today is Christmas Day. I like everyone else these recent days, have been busy with endless to dos. I've been out sitting only twice.

The gift of retreat, and what I really want you to take away from this site, is that retreat is a state of mind. Anywhere, anytime.

So as I loaded up the car last night, the family piling in, presents for the in-laws stacked in the back seat, I glanced to the trees with snow laden branches. I looked out at the field covered in snow, and imagined myself out there, tasting the cold.

For that brief moment, I was on retreat, and the thought left me happy, joyful, and fulfilled. Many blessings to all of you as we celebrate the holidays and look forward to the new year.

Sending you wonder, magic, and joy,

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