Monday, January 17, 2011

Finding Five ~Day One~

My phrase today was "Time For Me".

Here are my five:

  • Found time to paint my toenails green (my favorite color).
  • Found time to cuddle under my crisp white comforter with mattress pad heater on, just because. I wasn't ready for bed yet, I just wanted to tuck under the blankets for a minute before doing the dishes.
  • Waited in the parking lot of the clinic today listening to Minnesota Public Radio to hear Mayor Cory A. Booker of Newark New Jersey finish his speech honoring Martin Luther King Day. I'd never heard this man speak before, but he was soooo inspiring I couldn't turn it off.
  • "Found time" by replacing the batteries in a favorite clock that's read 3:26 for months.
  • And lastly, I took the time while hauling in fuel for the wood stove to count my strides. I noticed that I took more steps bringing in an arm full of Birch, than I did strolling back to the stack. Thought about this, and decided that I instinctively make sure there's a solid foundation under me when I have a heavy load. Good for me!

Oh, this is going to be a good week. Have an inspiring seven days my friends!



  1. Play:

    Play in selecting a dance song.

    Play in dancing to that song.

    Play in watching Liza and Zydeco's eyes dance when I offered them a dog treat.

    Play is sensing my heart dance when I savored the beauty of magnificent Tuscan orange roses.

    Play in watching the branches dance in the winter wind.

    Yesterday was a day of play. Yesterday was a day of dance.

  2. Beautiful aha!! You brought tears to my eyes.
