Friday, January 21, 2011

Finding Five ~Day Five~

Yesterday was BEAUTY.

Beauty in the way the wind sculpts my snowy field.
Beauty in my son's deep brown eyes.
Beauty in the not-quite-full moon peaking up over the pines.
Beauty in the faces of high schoolers making their way home after school. We are all beautiful.
Beauty in the sound of my husband's voice when his day turned around.
Beauty in the quiet of my house as night falls, children sleep, dog yawns.
Beauty in every color I see, every leaf on every tree, every breath of icy air.
This world is beyond beautiful.

This morning I closed my eyes, took three deep breaths, and let my daily word come.

"I want to be a writer today."

I'm a mother and a wife. I'm starting a new part time job on Monday as a Teacher Assistant at my local Middle School. But ever since I was eleven years old I've wanted to be a writer. Again the thought wrestles its way to the forefront with raised hand--pick me! Pick me!

So today I'm going to find proof five times, and probably do a lot of writing about it here at Retreat With Me. Which gives me more retreat ideas...writer's retreats anyone? Maybe come spring.

With pen in hand and a happy heart,

1 comment:

  1. Surprise - Day 5

    Imagine my surprise when I was running late, and all of the traffic lights were green, permitting me to arrive at the restaurant a few minutes early.

    Imagine my surprise when the parking Smart Meter at the library wouldn't take my money but printed out a dashboard receipt permitting me to park for one hour at no charge. Perhaps someone was paying it forward or perhaps the Universe wanted me to park for free.

    Imagine my surprise when I found the $20 turtleneck I had gone to the store to purchase on the clearance rack for $4.50. It was my size, and it was in perfect condition.

    Imagine my surprise when I turned on the radio, and it was playing the same line of a song that I was already singing.

    Imagine my surprise when I found myself congratulating myself on a job well-done. It wasn't perfect, but it was in fact well-done, and I was able to recognize that.

    Imagine my surprise in realizing that I didn't have to imagine any of these things - they all happened.
